Rotating Fourier series

12.Fourier Series Classically

Rotating Fourier Series Chapter 12. Fourier Series Classically Chaptere 12.1 IntroductionActually, all the formulas related to the Fourier Series are presented in Fig. 7.2 in Chapter 7. They were based on the fact that the nth harmonic was a doubled vector indicating the nth centroid scn of the trajectory F(njω0t)=f(t)*exp(njω0t). More precisely, it was the …

12.Fourier Series Classically Read More »

7. How to calculate centroids of scn trajectories and harmonics detector.

Rotating Fourier Series Chapter 7. How to calculate centroids of scn trajectories and harmonics detector. Chapter 7.1 Introduction In chapter 4  (4.5, 4.6), we extracted from the rotating trajectory F(njω0t) its “centre of gravity” or “centroid” scn as a complex number. And this is almost the nth harmonic with the pulsation ω=n*ω0 of the function …

7. How to calculate centroids of scn trajectories and harmonics detector. Read More »

6. How to filter out the harmonics with f(t)=0.5+1.08*cos(1t-33.7°)+0.72*cos(3t+33.7°)+0.45*cos(5t-26.6°)?

Rotating Fourier Series Chapter 6. How to filter out the harmonics with f(t)=0.5+1.08*cos(1t-33.7°)+0.72*cos(3t+33.7°)+0.45*cos(5t-26.6°)? Chapter 6.1 Introduction The further into the forest, the more… In Chapter 4, we extracted from the function f(t)=0.5*cos(4t) the harmonic 0.5*cos(4t). It’s a bit like pulling a rabbit out of a bag with only one rabbit in it – harmonic 0.5*cos(4t). …

6. How to filter out the harmonics with f(t)=0.5+1.08*cos(1t-33.7°)+0.72*cos(3t+33.7°)+0.45*cos(5t-26.6°)? Read More »

5. How to filter out the harmonics with f(t)=1.3+0.7*cos(2t)+0.5*cos(4t)?

Rotating Fourier Series Chapter 5. How to filter out the harmonics with 1.3+0.7*cos(2t)+0.5*cos(4t)? Chapter 5.1 Introduction In the previous chapter, we extracted the harmonic 0.5*cos(4t) from the function f(t)=0.5*cos(4t) and from the function f(t)=0.5*cos(4t-30°) using a rotating speed of ω=n*ω0 Z planes. Now we will do the same, but with the function f(t)=1.3+0.7*cos(2t)+0.5*cos(4t). The pulsations …

5. How to filter out the harmonics with f(t)=1.3+0.7*cos(2t)+0.5*cos(4t)? Read More »

4. How to filter out the harmonic with f(t)=0.5*cos(4t)?

Rotating Fourier Series Chapter 4. How to filter out the harmonic with f(t)=0.5*cos(4t)? Chapter 4.1 IntroductionEach periodic function f(t) is a sum of sinusoids/cosines, i.e. the so-called harmonics with pulsations 1ω0, 2ω0,3ω0… Constructing f(t) when we know the harmonics is simple. Just add them. Conversely, i.e. finding harmonics with pulsations 1ω0, 2ω0,…nω0, when we know …

4. How to filter out the harmonic with f(t)=0.5*cos(4t)? Read More »

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