Apitor Educational Robot

Chapter 1  Introduction

The set of blocks is intended for children from 8 years of age. But is it only for them? Or maybe even for a complete layman over forty? I assure you that there is no better way to learn programming. Because you see the specific effect of specific instructions. From starting a toy car to more complicated algorithms. However, adult help is recommended. Especially when, Dear Reader, you are between 8 and 12 years old. This does not apply to the construction of various structures made of blocks. Your children may be better at this than you!
Actually, the title should be Apitor SuperBot, because that is the name of the educational robot. You can find out where and how to buy it on the Internet. It is a set of blocks similar to Lego. The most important block is the Main Control Unit with accessories such as a Bluetooth communication unit, 4 ports and 2 motors. Let’s call it the Central Block. The set also includes 2 distance sensors and they can be connected to these ports. Everything else is Lego bricks. From all this you can build various devices and the only limitation is your imagination. And if you don’t have it, the Robot Instruction Manual will help you assemble 18 different structures.

Fig.  1-1
Apitor SuperBot set

Fig. 1-2

Main Control Unit with 2 distance sensors connected
-Main Control Unit iside
-Bluetooth Communication Unit inside
– 2 motors. Here you can see the shaft of one, the shaft of the other on the opposite side. Various elements can be attached to them, e.g. wheels.
– 4 LEDs. Here you can see 2 at the front and 1 at the back (invisble)
– 4 ports to which other elements can be connected – here 2 distance sensors
– Power button
The Main Control Unit is programmed and controlled using a mobile phone or tablet. In the following description I use the word “mobile”, which can be replaced by the word “tablet”. The cell phone should be an iPhone or Android smartphone. Unfortunately, ordinary desktop computers! and laptops excluded!
Or maybe that’s an advantage?

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